James Marshall Ruth 07/02/1949 - 08/09/2002 Sally Frye 00/00/0000 Wed: 00/00/0000
Julie Lynette Ruth 10/30/1970 - 07/02/2009 none
Dennis William Ruth 01/06/1992 08/27/2016 Guadalupe Crystal Figueroa
Julie LeAnn Ruth 12-28-2013
James Marshall Ruth 07/02/1949 - 08/09/2002 Linda (Popwell) Chandler 11/05/1949 00/00/0000
Ellen Gail Ruth 02/04/1980 Michael Earl Davis 12/11/1976 Wed: 08/20/2004
Johnny Paul Ruth Rodriguez 02/21/1996
Mia Victorian Davis 12/03/04 - 12/03/2004
Zoe Cheyenne Davis 05/11/2009
James Marshall Ruth 07/02/1949 - 08/09/2002 Denice Rejean Phillips 06/12/1964 Wed: 08/21/1992 )
James Marshall Ruth Jr. 07/03/1987 Edith Diane Marie Hober
James Marshal Ruth II 07/03/1987 Robyn Renee Orr 06/06/1991 Wed: 00/00/0000 )
Nathanial Scott Ruth 01/20/2012 (born in Madera, California)
James Marshal Ruth II 07/03/1987 Summer Skye Stapleton 10/04/1983 Wed: 04/11/2013 )
Destinee Marie Olson 01/12/2006 Anchorage, Alaska
Alaina Rayne Ruth-Grasty 11/11/ 2011 (born - Anchorage, AK)
David Lee Ruth 07/23/2013 (born in Springfield, Lane, Oregon)
Michael & Ellen Gail (Ruth) Davis
Ellen Gail (Ruth) Davis with spouse, and son Johnny and daughter Zoe.
James Marshal Ruth II
James Marshall Ruth II with spouse Summer Sky, their two children Alaina Rayne Ruth & David Lee Ruth, & Destinee Marie Olson
Dennis William Ruth
Dennis with his daughter, Julie LeAnn